Frequently Asked Questions About Speed Dating

How do I sign up?
Simply register with us by clicking on the red Join Us Today button at the top of the page. You can then choose an event and buy a ticket or wait for a day and time suitable for you. We will email you one a month detailing the upcoming events.

I have registered. Do I need to buy a ticket straight away?

No. If there are no events which suit your profile, suit your needs or don't fit in with your schedule then you can wait until there is one that does.

Do I need to bring Proof of Age?
Yes you will need to bring some form of photo ID which does indicate your age. If there are no events which suit your profile, suit your needs or don't fit in with your schedule then you can wait until there is one that does. If you do not fall into the correct age bracket, you will not be allowed to enter the event. You will also forfeit any right to a refund and we may restrict you from future events.

How many people are there in a single event?
We target you to have a maximum of 20 dates on one night. We will do our best to ensure you have at least 10 dates at an event.

What time does it start?
Each event will start at 7:30pm and will officially finish around 9.30pm. Of course you can still mingle in the bar after the event. You will need to arrive at 7pm to receive your complimentary drink and be briefed on the process for the night.

What happens after the event has finished?
We will go through all the scorecards and find the mutual matches you had on the night and we will email you their contact information within 24 hours. If you have a Perfect Match we will let you know straight away.

How is a Perfect Match different to a normal Match?
A Match is when you have indicated you would like to catch up with one of your dates and they have indicated the same about you. A Perfect Match is when you have only selected one date you are interested in and they too have only selected one date being you. In this scenario, we will let you know on the night and offer the two of you a complimentary drink at the roof top area to get to know each other more.

I am thinking about going to an event but I am nervous about going alone
It is completely normal for some people to feel nervous at our events if it is your first one. Just remember that everyone else is in the same boat in that they are single and also looking to meet new people in a fast and effective way. Also our friendly and understanding hosts will be there to help ease those nerves.

What sort of people will I meet?
Average people not different to yourself. Most are busy professionals across different industries like Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, IT, Teachers, Managers, Tradies, etc

What should I wear?
Smart casual attire is suitable but always remember you are trying to make a first impression. As our motto says "with all your senses" and sight is the first sense you use on a first date.

I paid for an event but now I can't make it
We understand things do come up so if you cannot make it, you must contact us 24 hours prior to the event. We will do our best to try and find you another event to attend. However, we do not provide refunds.